What is #Selfcare Pairs?

#Selfcare Pairs is based on the common children’s game memory or pairs. The cards have pictures of potential self-care activites on one side and each picture appears on two cards. The game starts with all the cards of one set face down and players take turns to turn over two cards. When you find a pair, you can keep it and have a conversation about the images.

#Selfcare Pairs is a resource for mental health professionals and parents alike. It helps teaching children and young people about the variety and importance of self-care in a fun and playful way.

What’s inside the box?

One box of #Selfcare Pairs contains 62 cards and a booklet. The 62 cards are colour coded, split into two suggested age groups: Yellow frame is 6–12 years, Green frame 13–17+ years. With your purchase you will be able to download a free digital copy of additional conversation tips for each #Selfcare Pair. It is possible to mix both sets together.

Conversation Tips

  • “What activity do you think this shows?”

  • “Do you like this activity?”

  • “Would this be a self-care activity for you?”

  • “When was the last time you did this?”

  • “What else does this make you think of?”

    *Additional Conversation Tips for all 31 pairs with your purchase.

Process of Development

#Selfcare Pairs was developed in clinical practice for children and young people with children and young people. Their involvement and feedback in the process was paramount whilst developing the game! Click the image to read the blog post about the development of the game!

What is Self-Care?

Self-Care is so much more than a bubble bath or a face mask! Click the image to read the blog post about Self-Care!

#Selfcare Pairs

#Selfcare Pairs
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